Passenger Trains of Texas
The "Passenger Trains of Texas - Rock Island" showcases the passenger operations of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific in Texas from the early 1900s all the way up to the discontinuance of the Golden State in February 1968. Fifteen chapters are featured in this 148-page book which includes 14 different passenger train operations. Trains include the Graham Branch doodlebug, the ACR motorcar, the Short Line Flyer, Arizona Limited, Texas Rocket, Choctaw Rocket, Memphis-Californian, Oklahoma Rocket, Fort Worth to El Reno RDCs, the Choctaw Rockette, Twin Star Rocket, the Imperial, Cherokee and the Golden State. All chapters are arranged in date order of the Rock Island discontinuing these trains. This hardcover book contains both black-n-white and color images, rare advertising, and vintage newspaper articles.